At AED.US, we are committed to spreading awareness about Sudden Cardiac Arrest, educating everyone we meet about Automatic External Defibrillators, and sharing our passion for what we do! Whether you need 10 AEDs, just a few replacement pads, or a set of batteries, we take care of our customers like they are family and hope that they partner with us for life.
Xylem Water Systems and Water Technology Safety Fair
We recently had a new customer, Xylem Water Systems and Water Technology, located in Charlotte, North Carolina, call in to replace their ZOLL AED Plus batteries. Xylem is the corporation outfitting and managing large city sewage systems and water filtration plants. One of their clients in Charlotte is the U.S. National White Water Center. They provided the equipment and pumps to move and filter the Catawba River water through the facility to create the roaring rapids for kayaking and rafting.
Our President, Tommy, struck up a conversation with the site coordinator and learned that they were going to hold a Safety Fair for their employees on April 23rd. We thought this would be an excellent opportunity to educate everyone on their campus about their AEDs, show off our new Brayden CPR Manikins, and give them a quick CPR lesson. We understand how important safety is in the workplace, especially when employees are working with electricity and large, heavy pieces of equipment.
AED/CPR Training
Two of our customer service and sales representatives volunteered to help them out for the day. Leigh was recently certified by the American Heart Association in CPR. And Blaire is a certified instructor of CPR (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation), First Aid, and AEDs. Xylem was thrilled to hear we could join their Safety Fair team, and Leigh and Blaire are always excited to meet new people and share their knowledge.
Upon arrival, our reps toured the warehouse, saw where the ZOLL AEDs were located within the building and were given their classroom to set up the CPR manikins and AED trainers. The Safety Fair was well organized and had groups of 10 employees rotating to each safety station throughout the day. Leigh and Blaire were given 15 minutes to teach each group as much as they could fit into that timeframe. The goal was to have everyone leave knowing what an AED is, what it is used for, how to use it, what Sudden Cardiac Arrest is, how to perform CPR, and how to help someone in the event of an emergency.
As the groups of employees came through their classroom, it became very clear that most people had never noticed the AEDs in the facility, many did not know what their purpose was, some were afraid to use them, and some had never even heard of an AED.
The classes gave everyone a quick lesson on how cardiac arrest is different from a heart attack and that there are more than 370,000 out-of-hospital cases each year, some of which occur in the workplace. Each person was shown how to give effective, high-quality CPR on the manikins and given the opportunity to practice each step of the emergency response system.
The other half of the class was spent showing everyone how to use their ZOLL AED Plus units. They got to hear the prompts, see how to remove the pads and place them on the patient’s chest, hear how the machine provides CPR feedback, touch each component, and feel the weight of the AED.
Blaire and Leigh left feeling confident that each of Xylem’s employees are rescue-ready in the event of an emergency. This was a great learning experience for everyone involved! The site’s coordinator wrote us afterward saying, “I wanted to thank you again for attending our Safety Fair as presenters. It was a great success! I look forward to working with you in the future.”
Digital Marketing Manager
Last updated January 12, 2023