Leisegang’s highly acclaimed colposcopes are renowned for unparalleled precision, uncompromising quality and lasting performance. Specially selected, hand-polished and hand-set German optics, parfocal 3-step magnification, and convergent optical beams contribute to Leisegang’s remarkable depth and clarity. These light-emitting diode (LED) colposcopes offer the highest-intensity LED light on the market, coupled with improved balance contrast and increased stereoscopic 3-D clarity. The OptiK Model 1 is available in four base configurations.
Drop-down details:
OPTIK1-00: Leisegang OptiK Model 1 Tilt Colposcope (1DL LED): 3-Step magnification, 300 mm working distance, LED light, 24,000 Lux, Tilt Base
OPTIK1-01: Same as OPTIK1-00 except with Upright Rolling Base
OPTIK1-02: Same as OPTIK1-00 except with medium-weight Swing-Arm Rolling Base
OPTIK1-03: Same as OPTIK1-00 except with heavy-weight Balance- O-Matic Rolling Base