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CPR Feedback

Not all Sudden Cardiac Arrest Victims will need defibrillation but will need high-quality CPR. This makes CPR critical to surviving Sudden Cardiac Arrest. According to the AHA Guidelines, when bystanders provide CPR and an AED is used within 3-5 minutes, survival rate can increase as high as 70%. CPR Feedback is designed to perfect the quality and performance of manual CPR by providing easy to follow audio and visual feedback. These devices monitor chest compression rate and depth for effectiveness, and alert when you need to press harder, softer, faster, or slower to meet CPR guidelines set by the American Heart Association. CPR Feedback technology allows trained and inexperienced responders to provide care with confidence they are delivering high quality, effective CPR. AED.US believes that AEDs with CPR coaching features can offer SCA victims the best chance for survival.

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